Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Recap

We're home! Our weekend getaway was absolutely lovely and I'm so relaxed now. It was a giant gathering of a lot of families (I think there were about 7 families there all total) that we're really close to from our homeschooling days, just holed up in a lodge together. It was fun. And loud. And I still have the warm fuzzies.

These gatherings are hosted by our local homeschool group and happen about two or three times a year. We're friends with a lot of people in the group, so thankfully, they still let us come. (: I haven't been able to make it to one in a while, because of school and homework and other stuff, but this weekend, the stars aligned! MLK Day, thank you.

I began my latest crochet project while we were there and someday, this:

Will--theoretically--become this:

I can't wait! I don't have pictures from this weekend, since I sold my DSLR and my p&s...isn't exactly functional at the moment. Apparently dropping it in the sand did more damage than I expected. But I had loads of fun and this weekend was not short of adventures, from exploring the dried-up lake at the camp to painting the boys' fingernails to simply curling up in front of the fire and visiting. Also, we saw our first snow! The last night we were there, it really started coming down, so all the kids and some of the adults rushed outside...and back in, for coats and shoes...and then back out! It was incredibly powdery and didn't stick, except in the seriously shady spots, but it was beautiful while it lasted. Now, it's just gotten really cold and confusing the heck outta me; we took our Christmas decorations down right before New Years and feels like Christmas time again!

It was great today to simply have a day to relax. I've done some of my homework, worked a little on my senior project (we've moved into the powerpoint phase and it's so exciting!), done some crafty type things, caught up on [most] of my TV shows and Zumba-ed with my best friend. The Zumba's turning into a regular thing and it's wonderfulll. I've gotten the Wii and tried some other things, but found that I do loads better if I have a scheduled time and place to be.

This week is going to be insane--I can feel it. We're finishing up midterms/tests/projects at school and I have choir twice this week, as well as a bunch of other random things to do. I'm hoping to get started on my latest home-improvement project soon! Last summer, my dad put a wall in the long room that spans the front of our house, splitting the room that my sister and I had previously shared into two rooms. He drywalled it in...and then that's as far as it got (not that I'm at all complaining!). But now I've decided to repaint--the gorgeous blue color that looked amazing on the paint swatch seems to overwhelm my tiny little, doesn't get much sun, room, so I've decided to brighten it up. I'm going to mud and tape the drywall, prime it and then repaint everything else. The color that is currently my ceiling will become the wall color and then I'll paint the ceiling white, to help open it up. I'm stuck on the trim/doors/window seat, but I'm thinking a light gray. Whew, this sounds like a lot of work, but my "reward" will be this amazing bedspread:

Hooray for consistent (or at least some-what regular) blogging! Just taking this one post at a time...


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